

Research and Effect on Shortening the Vanadium Extraction and Smelting Cycle of Iron and Steel at Shougang Shuigang
摘要 首钢水钢根据自身紧靠攀西钒钛磁铁矿区域优势,系统策划在3高炉实施高比例钒钛磁铁矿冶炼、3"转炉进行提钒冶炼;转炉冶炼采用"1+2"(1座提钒炉+2座炼钢炉),炼钢2座转炉炉消化铁水,转炉半钢冶炼周期≤22分钟。针对3^(#)高炉高比例钒钛矿冶炼铁水硫高于0.060%比例达80%以上、无铁水预脱硫的难题,采取含钒高硫铁水经提钒+半钢冶炼后经LF炉脱硫续接铸机,原LF炉普钢冶炼周期26分钟已经不满足生产需要,在增加脱硫任务情况下攻关LF工艺高效脱硫,缩短LF冶炼周期≤22分钟。 Based on its advantage of being close to the Panxi vanadium titanium magnetite region,Shougang Water Steel systematically plans to implement high proportion vanadium titanium magnetite smelting in the 3#blast furnace and vanadium extraction smelting in the 3#converter;Converter smelting adopts“1+2”(1 vanadium extraction furnace+2 steelmaking furnaces),with 2 converter furnaces digesting molten iron for steelmaking,and the half steel smelting cycle of the converter is≤22 minutes.In response to the problem of high proportion vanadium titanium ore smelting iron with sulfur content higher than 0.060%and a proportion of over 80%without pre desulfurization of iron in blast furnace#3,a vanadium containing high sulfur iron is extracted and semi steel is smelted,and then desulfurized and connected to the casting machine in the LF furnace.The original LF furnace ordinary steel smelting cycle of 26 minutes is no longer sufficient to meet production needs.With the addition of desulfurization tasks,efficient desulfurization in the LF process is being tackled to shorten the LF smelting cycle by≤22 minutes.
作者 杨阳 刘明波 李鸿荣 魏福龙 郑新泉 Yang Yang;Liu Mingbo;Li Hongrong;Wei Fulong;Zhen Xinquan(Industrial Department of Steeling and rolling,Shougang Shuicheng Iron&Steel(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Liupanshui 553028,Guizhou,China;Technology Center,Shougang Shuicheng Iron&Steel(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Liupanshui 553028,Guizhou,China;Manufacturing Management Department,Shougang Shuicheng Iron&Steel(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Liupanshui 553028,Guizhou,China)
出处 《水钢科技》 2024年第4期28-31,共4页 Shuigang Science & Technology
关键词 钒钛磁铁矿 提冶炼 冶炼周期 LF冶炼周期 Vanadium titanium magnetite,Vanadium smelting Smelting cycle,LF smelting cycle
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