

A New Tomato F1 Hybrid Resistant to TSWV-‘Huajin No.1’
摘要 华锦1号是以自交系302mf为母本,以Qunli为父本配制而成的抗斑萎病毒病番茄一代杂种。中早熟,无限生长类型,单果质量200~260 g;果实扁圆形,成熟果粉红色,光泽度好,连续坐果能力较强,每667 m^(2)产量9000 kg左右;含有番茄斑萎病毒病、黄化曲叶病毒病、叶霉病、灰叶斑病抗性基因位点Sw-5、Ty1、Cf-9、Sm,适宜山东、辽宁、河北省早春茬和秋延后保护地种植。 ‘Huajin No.1’is a new tomato F 1 hybrid with resistance to TSWV.It is cultivated by crossbreeding,which inbred line‘302mf’as female parent and‘Qunli’as male parent.It is of medium and early maturity,and infinite type.The single fruit weight is 200-260 g.The fruit is of oblate shape,and mature fruit is pink in color with good brightness.It has good fruit setting and can yield about 135 t·hm^(-2).It contains Sw-5 gene locus of resistance to tomato spot wilt virus,Ty1 gene locus of resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus,Cf-9 gene locus of resistance to tomato leaf mold,Sm gene locus of resistance to tomato gray leaf spot.It is suitable for cultivation at protected fields in Shandong,Liaoning,and Hebei Province in early spring and autumn delayed dates.
作者 任德鸿志 井立军 孙吉庆 张文丽 REN Dehongzhi;JING Lijun;SUN Jiqing;ZHANG Wenli(China National Seed Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100069,China;Qingdao Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Qingdao 266000,Shandong,China)
出处 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2024年第12期125-128,F0003,共5页 China Vegetables
关键词 番茄 华锦1号 一代杂种 抗斑萎病毒病 tomato ‘Huajin No.1’ F1 hybrid resistant to TSWV
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