

Lipidomics Technology,and Its Application and Prospect in Sports Science
摘要 脂质代谢的动态平衡与机体健康状态息息相关。脂质组学作为组学技术中的新兴学科,可以全面评估机体生理和病理状态下脂质相关成分和功能的改变。随着体育科学研究的不断发展,脂质组学在体育科学领域中的应用备受关注。通过梳理脂质组学技术的原理、方法、工作流程,以及脂质组学技术在运动防治多种慢性疾病中的应用,发现运动通过调节脂质因子的表达,重塑机体脂质代谢,进而改善肥胖和2型糖尿病、心血管疾病以及衰老相关疾病等。脂质组学技术的应用为阐释脂质在体育锻炼后机体生物调节中发挥的作用和机制提供了新的技术手段。 The dynamic equilibrium of lipid metabolism is closely associated with the health condition of the body.Lipidomics,as an emerging discipline within the omics technologies,can comprehensively assess the alterations of lipid-related components and functions under both physiological and pathological conditions of the body.With the continuous development of sports science research,the application of lipidomics in the field of sports science has attracted much attention.By reviewing the principle,methods and workflow of lipidomics technology,as well as its application the prevention and treatment of various chronic diseases through exercise,it is that exercise remodels the lipid metabolism of the organism by regulating the expression of lipid factors and thereby improves obesity,type 2 diabetes,cardiovascular diseases and age-related diseases and so on.The application of lipidomics technology provides new technical approaches for elucidating the role and mechanism of lipids in the biological regulation of the organism after physical exercise.
作者 王亮 张嘉敏 周鞑 王衍凇 张保泽 王友华 WANG Liang;ZHANG Jiamin;ZHOU Da;WANG Yansong;ZHANG Baoze;WANG Youhua(Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,China)
机构地区 陕西师范大学
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第12期64-73,共10页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81570449) 陕西省自然科学基础研究面上项目(2023-JC-YB-723) 陕西师范大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202410718097)。
关键词 脂质组学 体育科学 代谢性疾病 运动员选材 训练监控 lipidomics sports science metabolic disease athlete selection training monitoring
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