

An Analysis of Curriculum Ideological and Political Construction Strategies in Higher Education from the Perspective of Curriculum and Pedagogy
摘要 课程思政要求将思想政治教育贯穿教育教学全过程,有机融入课程教学各环节。从课程与教学论视角审视课程思政,有利于遵循课程建设和课堂教学规律,科学谋划课程思政的设计与实施。目前,要以立德树人为核心设计课程与教学目标,以统筹协调为原则进行思政资源挖掘,通过教学设计实现课程与思政的深度融合,以育人成效为核心构建多维评价体系,高质量推进高校课程思政建设。基于课程与教学论的基本理论和方法推进高校课程思政建设,对教师教育课程思政建设具有参考意义。 Curriculum ideological and political education requires ideological and political education to run through the whole process of education and teaching,and organically integrate into every link of curriculum teaching.To analyse curriculum ideological and political from the perspective of curriculum and pedagogy,is helpful to follow the rules of curriculum and teaching,and than help us make a scientific plan about designing and implementation of curriculum ideological and political.At present,we should design the curriculum and teaching objectives with moral cultivation as the core,excavate ideological and political resources on the principle of overall coordination,integrate ideology and politics to curriculum through teaching design,and construct the multi-dimensional evaluation system around the core of educational effectiveness,thus promoting the construction of curriculum ideological and political with high quality.
作者 胡妙 万美容 Hu Miao;Wan Mei-rong(School of Marxism,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;School of Marxism,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
出处 《教师教育论坛》 2024年第11期41-47,共7页 Teacher Education Forum
基金 华中师范大学教学研究项目《基于“五理融通”的新时代高校思政课教学创新研究》.
关键词 课程思政 课程与教学论 立德树人 curriculum ideological and political curriculum and pedagogy moral cultivation
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