With the development of social economy,various kinds power transmission line networks distribute all over the country,which has caused serious interference to electromagnetic method detection. Even if naturalsource electromagnetic method detection is carried out in remote areas such as the Gobi Desert in the Tarim Basin,it has also been greatly affected. Therefore,artificial source electromagnetic method needs to be used for detectionto improve the signal noise ratio,so as to obtain accurate underground geological structure in the study area. Thecontrollable source audio frequency magnetotelluric method in the frequency domain electromagnetic method andthe electrical source transient electromagnetic method in the time domain transient electromagnetic method werestudied in this paper with forward modeling the geoelectric structure in Bachu uplift area of the Tarim Basin. Theresults showed that in the geoelectric structure with low resistivity characteristics of sandstone type uranium depositsin Bachu uplift area of Tarim Basin,the controllable source audio frequency magnetotelluric method and electricalsource transient electromagnetic method in the artificial source electromagnetic method can effectively detect thetarget sand body with a certain thickness,but in the geological structure of slope zone,the CSAMT near sourcephenomenon was still serious even with the large transceiver distance, which greatly affected the explorationaccuracy for the geological structure of deep basement,but the electrical source transient electromagnetic methodwas not interfered and can accurately reflect the characteristics of the shallow and deep geoelectric structure. Atthe same time,the electrical source transient electromagnetic method had a large abnormal response to the targetsand body and the ability to distinguish the overall stratigraphic structure. Therefore, based on the forward modelingresults and comparative analysis of the two artificial source electromagnetic methods,the detection effect of theelectrical source transient electromagnetic method will be relatively good for the uranium metallogenic environmentwith low resistivity characteristics in the Tarim basin.
HU Yingcai;CHENG Jixing(National Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Exploration-Mining and Nuclear Remote Sensing,Beijing 100029,China;Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,Beijing 100029,China;CNNC Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Exploration and Evaluation Technology,Beijing 100029,China)
World Nuclear Geoscience
forward simulation
sandstone type uranium deposit