

Review on fracturing monitoring technology
摘要 以“水平井+多段压裂”为核心的储层改造技术已成为中国油气开发向低渗透、深层-超深层、非常规等领域拓展的关键技术,而压裂裂缝监测及诊断是客观评价水力压裂效果的有效手段,集成应用压裂裂缝监测技术、建设水力压裂实验室是实现对水力裂缝形态认识和开发技术定型的有效支撑。对分布式光纤、井下可视化技术、可控源电磁监测与诊断技术、井口高频压力裂缝监测解释技术、井中微地震监测和声呐远探等几种具有代表性的裂缝监测技术的国内外研究现状进行了综述,阐述了这些技术的基本原理、优缺点、应用情况与下一步攻关方向。在对国外典型的裂缝监测组合技术及水力压裂试验场建设现状分析基础上,讨论了国内典型非常规油气资源开发水力压裂试验场建设思路,从监测技术基本原理出发,提出了开展基于多目标监测技术组合优化研究,建立多源监测组合解释技术,建成基于压裂优化设计软件FrSmart的裂缝监测解释一体化平台,实现不同类型储层定制化裂缝监测组合和智能化压裂设计与辅助决策方法的技术思路。为中国低渗透、深层-超深层、非常规等油气勘探开发压裂监测研究提供参考。 Reservoir transformation technology with"horizontal well+multi-stage fracturing"has become a key technology for the expansion of China's development to low permeability and deep-ultradeep as well as unconventionality oil and gas fields.Fracturing monitoring technology Integration and hydraulic fracturing field test sites are powerful tools to understand fracturing geometry and optimize developing technology.Fracture monitoring and diagnosis is an effective means to objectively evaluate the effect of hydraulic fracturing.This paper reviews the domestic and foreign research status of several fracture monitoring technologies,such as distributed optical fiber,downhole visualization technology,controlled source electromagnetic monitoring and diagnosis technology,wellhead high-frequency pressure fracture monitoring interpretation technology,microseismic downhole monitoring and sonar far exploration.And the basic principle,advantages and disadvantages,application and future research direction of these technologies were analyzed.We discussed the idea of construction of hydraulic fracturing test site for typical unconventional oil and gas resources development in China based on the analysis of the construction status of foreign typical fracture monitoring combination technology and hydraulic fracturing test field.It is proposed to carry out research on the optimization of multi-objective monitoring technology combination,establish multi-source monitoring combination interpretation technology,build an integrated platform of fracture monitoring and interpretation based on FrSmart software,and fulfill the technical idea of customized fracture monitoring combination and intelligent fracturing design and auxiliary decision method for different types of reservoirs.It provides a reference for the fracturing monitoring research of low permeability and deep-ultradeep as well as unconventionality oil and gas exploration and development in China.
作者 翁定为 魏然 孙强 何春明 WENG Dingwei;WEI Ran;SUN Qiang;HE Chunming(Research Institute of Exploration and Development,PetroChina,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《世界石油工业》 2024年第6期66-76,共11页 World Petroleum Industry
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“储层超短半径取心钻具装备研制与集成”(2023YFF0615403) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司重大科技专项“压裂监测与智能辅助决策技术研究”(2023ZZ28YJ03)。
关键词 压裂监测 研究进展 多源监测组合解释 裂缝监测解释一体化 fracturing monitoring research progress multi-source monitoring combination interpretation technology integrated platform of fracture monitoring and interpretation
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