

Study on the Hybridization Effect of Bamei Mutton Sheep and Hu Sheep
摘要 该试验旨在通过巴美肉羊与湖羊进行杂交,以本地寒杂羔羊为对照,对比分析湖羊母羊和寒杂母羊繁殖性能,巴湖羔羊与寒杂羔羊生产性能、屠宰性能和育肥效益,为巴美肉羊利用以及巴彦淖尔地区肉羊杂交模式提供数据支撑。通过研究表明,在巴彦淖尔地区,湖羊繁殖性能高于本地寒杂母羊;巴湖杂交羔羊6月龄重、屠宰率和育肥效益均高于本地寒杂羔羊;单羔初生重、断奶重均高于双羔及三羔;单羔与双羔及三羔的屠宰率差异不显著。结果表明,巴彦淖尔地区可以利用本地肉羊品种巴美肉羊与湖羊进行杂交,生产育肥用商品羊巴湖杂交羔羊,在增加繁殖母羊户羔羊产出数量的同时提高育肥效益。 The aim of this experiment is to crossbreed Bamei mutton sheep with Hu sheep,and use local Han lambs as controls to compare and analyze the reproductive performance,production performance,slaughter performance,and fattening benefits of Hu sheep ewes and Han crossbreeding ewes.This will provide data support for the utilization of Bamei mutton sheep and the crossbreeding mode of meat sheep in the Bayannur region.Research has shown that in the Bayannur region,the reproductive performance of Hu sheep is higher than that of local Han lambs;The 6-month old weight,slaughter rate,and fattening efficiency of Bahu hybrid lambs are higher than those of local Han hybrid lambs;The birth weight and weaning weight of single lambs are higher than those of double lambs and three lambs;The difference in slaughter rates between single lambs,double lambs,and three lambs is not significant.The results indicate that the Bayannur region can use the local meat sheep variety Bamei to crossbreed with Hu sheep and produce fattening commercial sheep Bahu hybrid lambs,which can increase the output of breeding ewes and improve fattening efficiency.
作者 王韵斐 陈秋菊 武翠香 胥福勋 王剑飞 朝鲁孟 郭福锁 张娟 王文军 WANG Yunfei;CHEN Qiuju;WU Cuixiang;XU Fuxun;WANG Jianfei;CHAO Lumeng;GUO Fusuo;ZHANG Juan;WANG Wenjun(Bayannnur Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Bayannur Inner Mongolia 015000,China;Center for Innovation of Mutton Sheep Technology,Bayannur Inner Mongolia 015000,China;Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center in Bayannur,Bayannur Inner Mongolia 015000,China;Dengkou County Cattle Station,Bayannur Inner Mongolia 015000,China)
出处 《现代畜牧科技》 2024年第12期10-13,共4页 Modern Animal Husbandry Science & Technology
基金 “科技兴蒙”行动重点专项巴彦淖尔国家农业高新技术产业示范区重点项目(NMKJXM202304,NMKJXM202203) 国家现代肉羊产业技术体系(CARS-38) 内蒙古自治区科技计划项目(2021GG0443) 内蒙古自治区肉羊产业技术创新推广体系。
关键词 巴美肉羊 杂交 育肥 Bamei mutton sheep hybridization fatten
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