

Leaching pattern of dissolved carbon and nitrogen under partial substitution of chemical nitrogen fertilizer with organic fertilizers in greenhouse soils
摘要 【目的】土壤可溶性碳氮淋溶是设施菜地碳氮损失的主要形态。研究不同有机物料替代部分化肥降低土壤可溶性碳氮淋溶的效应及其关键影响因子,为设施菜地氮肥科学施用提供理论依据。【方法】田间淋溶试验在江苏省农业科学院六合基地的典型设施菜地开展,共设置5个处理:不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(CF)、秸秆有机肥替代30%氮肥(STR)、鸡粪有机肥替代30%氮肥(CHI)和菇渣有机肥替代30%氮肥(MUS)。分析了可溶性有机碳(DOC)、可溶性有机氮(DON)、硝态氮(NO3-)、铵态氮(NH4+)的淋失动态;采用三维荧光光谱-平行因子分析方法,分析了可溶性有机质(DOM)的光谱结构特征与荧光参数,解析了其与可溶性碳氮淋溶损失的偶联关系。【结果】蔬菜全生育期不同处理可溶性总氮(TDN)淋溶总量为12.63~69.15 kg/hm^(2),其中NO3-和DON的占比分别为90.0%~92.7%和7.21%~9.72%。与CF处理相比,3个有机替代处理的NO3-淋溶总量显著降低了30.2%~53.4%,以MUS处理的降幅最大,DON淋溶总量也显著降低,以MUS处理的降幅最大,为49.1%。DOC和DON的变化趋势相反,与CF处理相比,有机替代处理的DOC淋溶总量呈现增加趋势,并在CHI处理中达到显著水平(C 6.97 kg/hm^(2))。DOC和DON淋溶量均与微生物来源的芳香性高、腐殖化程度高的C1组分,以及通常存在于高养分环境中的胡敏酸类C3组分呈显著正相关,而与分子量较小的类富里酸类物质C4组分呈显著负相关;与植物残体导致的类腐殖质C2组分无显著相关性。DOC、DON、TDN和NO3-淋溶量均与DOM的荧光指数(FI)、自生源指数(BIX)、新鲜度指数(β/α)呈显著正相关。【结论】有机肥替代30%化学氮肥条件下,鸡粪有机肥处理显著增加了淋溶液中DOM难分解C1组分的占比,从而促进了DOC的淋溶;菇渣和鸡粪有机肥处理显著减少了淋溶液中C3组分的占比,因而较秸秆有机肥更有利于削减DON的淋溶。上述3种有机肥部分替代化学氮肥处理均降低了化肥氮输入,同时减少了淋溶液DOM中难分解的胡敏酸类C3组分,从而实现对可溶性无机氮和有机氮淋溶的协同阻控。综合考虑不增加可溶性有机碳淋失和减少可溶性氮淋溶两方面因素,推荐采用菇渣有机肥替代30%化学氮肥。 【Objectives】The leaching of soil dissolved carbon(C)and nitrogen(N)is the primary form of C and N loss in greenhouse soils.Research on the effects of different organic materials replacing part of the chemical N fertilizer to reduce the leaching of soil dissolved C and N,as well as the key influencing factors,provides a theoretical basis for the scientific application of N fertilizers in greenhouse soils.【Methods】An in-situ leaching experiment was carried out in typical greenhouse soils at the Luhe Base of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,with five treatments included:no fertilization(CK),chemical fertilizer only(CF),composted straw replacing 30%of chemical N fertilizer(STR),chicken manure replacing 30%of chemical N fertilizer(CHI),and spent mushroom replacing 30%of chemical N fertilizer(MUS).The leaching dynamics of dissolved organic C(DOC),dissolved organic N(DON),nitrate(NO3-),and ammonium(NH4+)were analyzed.The fluorescence spectra of dissolved organic matter(DOM)in the leachates were analyzed by excitation-emission matrix(EEM)fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence index was determined.The components of DOM was clarified in combination with modeling of parallel factor(PARAFAC)analysis.The correlations between the leaching amount of dissolved C and N and characteristics of DOM components were further analyzed.【Results】The total leaching of TDN varied from 12.63 to 69.15 kg/hm^(2)in all treatments during the whole growing period of vegetables.Nitrate and DON accounted for 90.0%-92.7%and 7.21%-9.72%,respectively.In comparison to CF,organic fertilizer substitution treatments significantly decreased the leaching amount of NO3-and DON by 30.2%-53.4%and 20.7%-49.1%,respectively,with the largest decrease both observed in MUS treatment.In opposite to DON leaching,DOC leaching increased in organic fertilizer substitution treatments,and was significantly higher in CHI treatment(C 6.97 kg/hm^(2))compared with CF.Both DOC and DON leaching had significantly positive relationships with C1 component(microbial-derived substances with high aromaticity and high degree of humification)and C3 component(humic-like substances existing in high nutrient environment),and had significantly negative relationship with C4 component(fulvic-like substances with low molecular weight).But DOC and DON leaching had no significant relationship with C2 component(plant residues derived humic-like substances).The leaching amount of DOC,DON,TDN and NO3-had significantly positive relationships with fluorescence index(FI),biological index(BIX)and freshness index(β/α)of DOM in the leachates.【Conclusions】Under the condition of 30%substitution of chemical N fertilizer with organic fertilizers,the CHI treatment significantly increased the proportion of the refractory C1 component in the leachate,thereby promoting the leaching of DOC.MUS and CHI treatments significantly reduced the proportion of the C3 component in the leachate,thus reducing more leaching amount of DON compared to STR treatment.Partial substitution of chemical N fertilizer with composted straw,chicken manure and spent mushroom could mitigate dissolved N leaching from greenhouse soil,mainly because of the decrease of chemical N fertilizer supply and humic-like C3 component of DOM in the leachates.Therefore,leaching of dissolved inorganic and organic N were both decreased in the organic fertilizer substitution treatments.With the consideration of avoiding the increase of dissolved C leaching and achieving the highest effectiveness in mitigating dissolved N leaching,it was recommended to adopt 30%substitution of chemical N fertilizer with spent mushroom manure.
作者 徐烨红 巴雯雯 陆超 郭德杰 罗佳 马艳 XU Ye-hong;BA Wen-wen;LU Chao;GUO De-jie;LUO Jia;MA Yan(Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210014,China;School of the Environment and Safety Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013,China;National Agricultural Experimental Station for Agricultural Environment,Luhe,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210014,China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期2281-2295,共15页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1700803) 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(21)3098) 江苏现代农业(蔬菜)产业技术体系项目(JATS[2023]408)。
关键词 有机替代 可溶性碳淋溶 可溶性氮淋溶 平行因子分析 三维荧光光谱 organic fertilizer substitution dissolved carbon leaching dissolved nitrogen leaching parallel factor analysis three-dimensional fluorescence spectra
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