

Connotation,structure and driving force of petrochemical industrial innovation chain
摘要 为了更好地培育石油化工产业创新链,增强石油产业竞争力,运用产业链与创新链的理论,对石油化工产业创新链的结构与动力进行了分析。研究结果表明:①石油化工产业创新链是石油化工产业创新链的全过程,是石油化工产业链与创新链的融合,是一个多主体参与、多链条融合的链条,其形成的核心在创新链上各主体“合作剩余”的产生;②培育和完善石油化工产业创新链,是当前提升石油化工产业创新能力,实现创新驱动发展的根本选择;③政府应该努力打造良好的环境,构建合理的利益分配机制,引导和支持产业创新链的形成;④积极发展石油化工产业科技中介,降低合作成本,促进创新链的形成;⑤发挥大企业在合作创新当中的积极性,制定合理监管制度,强化知识产权保护,为创新链上的合作提供法律保障。结论认为,该研究成果可以为中国石油化工产业以及其他产业的创新驱动发展和转型升级提供理论支撑与决策参考。 Both structure and driving force of innovation chain in petrochemical industry were discussed using two theories of industrial chain and innovation chain in an effort to better cultivate the petrochemical innovation chain and enhance the industrial competitiveness.Results show that(i)being the whole process of the petrochemical innovation chain,the petrochemical industrial innovation chain itself is not only the integration of petrochemical industrial chain and innovation chain,but the chain with multiple subjects and chains.And its formation focuses on the generation of"cooperative surplus"of each subject in the innovation chain;(ii)cultivating and improving the petrochemical innovation chain is fundamental to enhance innovation capability and realize innovation-driven development;(iii)the government should make effort to forge favorable surroundings,build a reasonable system of economic distribution,and give correct guidance to support the formation of industrial innovation chain;(iv)it is urgent to actively set up scientific and technological intermediaries of the petrochemical industry,reduce cooperation cost,and promote this innovation chain;and(v)it is necessary to give full play to big business in cooperative innovation,draw up the supervisory system,intensify the protection of intellectual property rights,and provide legal guarantee for the chain cooperation.In conclusion,these result provide theoretical support and decision-making reference for innovation-driven development,transformation and upgrading in China's petrochemical industry and other industries.
作者 张凡勇 雷悦心 巩前胜 赵梦远 ZHANG Fanyong;LEI Yuexin;GONG Qiansheng;ZHAO Mengyuan(School of Economics and Management,Xi'an University of Petroleum,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710065,China)
出处 《天然气技术与经济》 2024年第6期43-50,共8页 Natural Gas Technology and Economy
基金 陕西省创新能力支撑计划项目“政产学研金用多部门协同推进创新链产业链深度融合研究”(编号:2022KRM036)。
关键词 石油化工产业 创新链 产业链 产业创新链 Petrochemical industry Innovation chain Industrial chain Industrial innovation chain
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