

Guizhou Ethnic Minority Films in the New Era and the Construction of the Common Spiritual Homeland of the Chinese Nation
摘要 新时代,贵州少数民族题材电影在主流意识形态与民族叙事的有机融合中,以鲜明的民族风格和艺术特点凸显中华文化符号和中华民族形象,构筑起中华民族共有精神家园。贵州少数民族题材电影创作,通过国家意志的建构实现“中国性”的书写,并内铸中华民族共同体意识,外固人类命运共同体理念。营造具象空间、表达象征性的民俗符号体系,是贵州少数民族题材电影艺术地呈现中华民族共有精神家园“母题”的有效路径。 In the new era,Guizhou ethnic minority films highlight Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation with their distinct national styles and artistic characteristics for the purpose of building the common spiritual homeland for the Chinese nation in the organic integration of mainstream ideology and national narration.In this process,we will forge a sense of community for the Chinese nation and promote the construction of Human Destiny Community.In the eyes of the creators of Guizhou ethnic minority films,it is an effective way to build the common spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation by creating a concrete space and expressing a symbolic folk symbol system in the film.
作者 齐雪晴 周治勇 QI Xue-qing;ZHOU Zhi-yong(School of Humanities,Guizhou University of Engineering Science,Bijie,Guizhou551700,China)
出处 《贵州工程应用技术学院学报》 2024年第5期101-108,共8页 Journal of Guizhou University Of Engineering Science
基金 2024年度省教育厅高校人文社会科学研究项目“新媒体时代下贵州民族文化传播与保护研究”,项目编号:2024RW170。
关键词 贵州少数民族题材电影 中华民族共有精神家园 中华民族共同体意识 文化认同 Guizhou Ethnic Minority Films Common Spiritual Homeland of the Chinese Nation Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation Cultural Identification
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