

Local Perspective on the Evolution Process of Chinese Nation Community:A Study on the Origin of the Sha Branch of Zhuang Nationality in Zhetai Village,Guangnan,Yunnan
摘要 通过历史文献与田野资料相结合的研究方法,对云南广南者太村壮族沙支系族源进行考证。研究认为,者太村壮族沙支系的族源主要是明清以来的汉族移民,在适应当地壮族本土支系社会与文化过程中民族身份发生了转变。定居当地之后,又以文化形式,如跑马节、弄娅歪等习俗维系村寨内外边界、整合族际社会,塑造多民族和谐共处的生活空间。该研究实证了费孝通中华民族多元一体格局演进过程中“汉族同样充实了其他民族”的观点,揭示中华民族共同体演进过程中“柔性的多元与韧性的一体”的结构特征。 The origin of the Sha branch of Zhuang nationality in Zhetai village,Guangnan,Yunnan was studied with the method of combining historical documents and field data.The research shows that the Minzu origin of Zhuangsha branch in Zhetai Village is mainly Hanzu immigrants since the Ming and the Qing Dynasties,and the Minzu identity has changed in the process of adapting to the local society and culture of the local Zhuangzu branch.After settling down in the local area,they maintained the inner and outer boundaries of the village with cultural forms,such as horse racing festival,Nong ya wai and other customs,integrated the inter-minzu society,and shaped the living space of harmonious coexistence of multi-minzu groups.This study demonstrates Fei Xiaotong’s view that“Han nationality also enriched other ethnic groups”during the evolution of Chinese ethnic pluralism and unity,and reveals the structural characteristics of“flexible pluralism and resilience”during the evolution of Chinese ethnic community.
作者 吴成斌 WU Chengbin(School of Chinese National Community,North Minzu University,Yinchuan 750021,China)
出处 《文山学院学报》 2024年第6期7-13,共7页 Journal of Wenshan University
基金 北方民族大学研究生创新项目“景观人类学视域下铸牢中华民族共同体意识的路径提升研究”(YCX24026)。
关键词 壮族沙支系 者太村 中华民族共同体 交往交流交融 Sha branch of Zhuang nationality Zhetai village Chinese National Community exchange and blend
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