

LIU Jian's Experience in the Treatment of Sjögren's Syndrome Combined with Leukopenia
摘要 干燥综合征是一种以侵犯唾液腺、泪腺等全身外分泌腺体的弥漫性结缔组织病,除口干、眼干症状外,还可表现为多脏器、多系统受累,其中以白细胞减少症为主的血液系统损害较为多见。刘健教授临证注重审证求因、标本兼治,认为二者病机同根同源,皆以脾虚湿阻、津血生化乏源为本,燥毒、瘀血互结为标,故治疗上主张以健脾滋阴、益气养血为主,佐以清燥解毒、活血化瘀之品,同时注意患者燥湿相互转化,需将健脾化湿之法贯穿始终。 Sjögren’s syndrome is a diffuse connective tissue disease that invades the salivary glands,lacrimal glands and other systemic exocrine glands.In addition to dry mouth and dry eyes,it can also manifest as multiple organs and multiple systems involved,among which blood system damage with leukopenia as the main cause is more common.Professor LIU Jian pays attention to the diagnosis and treatment of the cause and the treatment of both symptoms and root causes.He believes that the pathogenesis of the two diseases has the same root and origin,and both are caused by spleen deficiency and dampness obstruction,lack of body fluid and blood biochemical sources,and dryness,toxicity and blood stasis are symptoms.Therefore,in terms of treatment,it is advocated to strengthen the spleen and nourish yin,replenish qi and nourish blood,supplemented with products that clear dryness,detoxify,activate blood circulation and remove stasis.At the same time,attention should be paid to the mutual transformation of dryness and dampness in patients,and the method of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness should be carried out throughout.
作者 李洋 刘健 胡月迪 从承志 陈一鸣 周巧 LI Yang;LIU Jian;HU Yuedi;CONG Chengzhi;CHEN Yiming;ZHOU Qiao(The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Anhui Hefei 230031,China;Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Anhui Hefei 230038,China)
出处 《中医药临床杂志》 2024年第12期2262-2265,共4页 Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药传承创新项目基金(发改办社会[2022]366号) 国家高水平中医药重点学科中医痹病学(ZYYZDXK-2023100) 国家自然基金面上项目(82074373,82274490,82205090) 安徽省名中医刘健工作室建设项目(中医药发展秘[2018]11号) 安徽省中医药领军人才项目(中医药发展秘[2018]23号) 新安医学教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(2020xayx10) 现代中医内科应用基础与开发研究安徽省重点实验室(2021AKLMCM004,2021AKLMCM005)。
关键词 干燥综合征 白细胞减少症 名医经验 刘健 健脾化湿 Sjögren’s syndrome Leukopenia Famous doctor’s experience LIU Jian Strengthening the spleen and removing dampness
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