

Rainfall Regimes and Their Influence on Runoff and Sediment Yield at Small Watershed in Upper Reaches of Dawen River
摘要 [目的]研究大汶河上游小流域降雨类型及其对产流产沙的影响,为鲁中南山地丘陵区防洪减灾与水土流失的预测预警提供理论依据。[方法]以大汶河上游徂徕山小流域为研究区,基于2021—2023年小流域降雨数据及产流产沙数据,采用K均值聚类、线性回归分析等统计分析方法,研究了流域降雨雨型及其对产流产沙的影响。[结果]流域降雨可分为4种类型:Ⅰ类为小雨量小雨强降雨;Ⅱ类为中雨量中雨强降雨;Ⅲ类为大雨量大雨强降雨;Ⅳ类为超大雨量中雨强降雨。Ⅲ类降雨与Ⅳ类降雨为该流域产流产沙的主要来源。[结论]徂徕山流域以小雨量小雨强降雨为主,但暴雨频次仍然较高。受山区地形影响,Ⅳ类降雨是区域洪灾和泥石流的重要来源;降雨量是该流域产流产沙的主要影响因素。 [Objective]The rainfall regimes and their effects on runoff and sediment yield in the small watershed of the upper reaches of Dawen River were studied,in order to provided a theoretical basis for the predicting and early warning of flood control and soil erosion in the mountainous and hilly areas of Central and Southern Shandong Province.[Methods]The Culai Mountain watershed in the upper reaches of the Dawen River was selected as the study area.K-means clustering and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to examine different types of rainfall and their impacts on sediment yield using rainfall,runoff,and sediment yield data from 2021 to 2023.[Results]The rainfall in this basin can be divided into four types,categorized as follows:typeⅠfeatures small amounts of precipitation with low intensity,typeⅡfeatures medium amounts of precipitation with moderate intensity,typeⅢfeatures heavy amounts of precipitation with high intensity,and typeⅣfeatures extra heavy amounts of precipitation with moderate intensity.Rainfall in typesⅢandⅣwas the main source of runoff and sediment yield in this basin.[Conclusion]The Culai Mountain watershed mainly experiences light rainfall with low intensity,yet the frequency of rainstorms remains relatively high.Affected by the mountainous terrain,theⅣtype rainfall was significant sources of regional floods and debris flows.Rainfall Precipitation amount is the primary influencing factor for runoff and sediment production in this basin.
作者 王如岩 赵龙 宋庆健 赵辰瑞 赵井辉 郑志国 张荣 Wang Ruyan;Zhao Long;Song Qingjian;Zhao Chenrui;Zhao Jinghui;Zheng Zhiguo;Zhang Rong(Hydrological Center of Taian City,Taian,Shandong 271018,China;College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian,Shandong 271018,China;Liaocheng Water Conservancy Engineering Corporation,Liaocheng,Shandong 252000,China)
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期194-199,209,共7页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室开放研究资助项目“北方丘陵山区下小流域土壤氮磷流失规律及模型模拟研究”(IWHR-SKL-202219) 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(201902211016 202101284013) 水利部专项支撑计划水资源费项目“重要饮用水水源地综合监管方案”(WE0149B052020)。
关键词 大汶河上游流域 统计分析法 降雨类型 产流产沙量 upper reaches of Dawen River basin statistical analysis rainfall types runoff and sediment yield
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