

The Operating of Small and Rural Libraries in the United States:Policy Framework,Association Support,and Service Innovation:Case Studies from Massachusetts,Texas,and California
摘要 作为一个联邦制国家,美国各州乃至各地的基层图书馆都有着差异极大的政策、管理和运营模式,但从“州”一级切入展开美国基层图书馆的研究,仍属于此前较少涉及的研究角度。文章选取马萨诸塞州、得克萨斯州和加利福尼亚州作为3个代表州,从宏观、中观以及微观3个层面对美国基层图书馆的相关联邦与州法律规定、行业组织举措以及基层图书馆基本服务与创新服务进行梳理与分析,从而总结出4条美国基层图书馆发展的特点及其启示:第一,多级政府经费保障,社区经费共同助力发展;第二,基本服务获得保障,结合社区需求创新服务;第三,通过项目申请资助,确保项目落地推动发展;第四,重视专业队伍建设,聚焦馆员的领导力培养。 As a federal country,the United States has very different policies,management and operational modes for the small and rural libraries.However,research for small and rural libraries from a“state”perspective has been limited.This paper chooses Massachusetts,Texas and California to analyze their federal and state laws and regulations,association supporting measures,and the basic and innovative service programs offered by small and rural libraries at the macro,meso,and micro levels.The study reveals four key findings:firstly,multi-level government and community funding work together to promote development;secondly,basic services are guaranteed whereas innovative services are tailored to community needs;thirdly,project-based funding applications are essential in ensuring successful implementation and growth;and lastly,emphasis is placed on building a professional team and on the leadership training of librarians.
作者 罗艺杰 杨洋 肖鹏 Luo Yijie;Yang Yang;Xiao Peng(Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities;Guangzhou Tieyi High School;School of Information Management,Sun Yat-sen University)
出处 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第12期40-54,88,共16页 Library Journal
基金 中国图书馆学会科研项目“我国基层图书馆发展现状调研及其跨国比较研究”(项目编号:2022LSCKYXMZZ-DX001)的研究成果之一。
关键词 基层图书馆 运作模式 马萨诸塞州 得克萨斯州 加利福尼亚州 Small and rural libraries Operational models Massachusetts Texas California
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