

A Review of Art Healing Literature in the Past Ten Years and Insights into the Relief of Depression among College Students in China
摘要 通过对2014-2023年的艺术疗愈文献进行科学计量和可视化分析,揭示了该领域的知识演变、研究热点和未来趋势。从WebofScience核心集数据库中选取了479篇相关文章,利用CiteSpace、VOSviewer等软件进行全面分析。研究发现,近十年来艺术疗愈研究呈现持续上升趋势;以色列海法大学为最活跃机构;国际合作主要涉及美国、以色列、荷兰和英国;《心理治疗艺术》为主要刊行期刊;新兴研究热点聚焦于“应对焦虑、提高健康水平以及关注青少年群体的需求”,为未来研究提供启示。最后基于分析结果,深入探讨艺术疗愈在缓解我国大学生抑郁情绪方面提出若干启示。 A scientometric and visual analysis of the art healing literature from 2014-2023 reveals the evolution of knowledge, research hotspots, and future trends in the field. 479 relevant articles were selected from the Web of Science core set database and comprehensively analyzed using software such as CiteSpace and VOSviewer. The study found that art healing research has been on the rise over the past decade;Haifa University, Israel, is the most active institution;international collaborations have involved the United States, Israel, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom;The Art of Psychotherapy is a major journal;and emerging research hotspots have focused on "coping with anxiety, improving health, and focusing on the needs of adolescent populations", providing opportunities for future research. Emerging research hotspots focus on "coping with anxiety, improving health, and focusing on the needs of adolescent populations," providing insights for future research. Finally, based on the results of the analysis,some insights into the role of art therapy in alleviating depression among college students in China are presented.
作者 王玮 龙穗 WANG Wei;LONG Sui
机构地区 南京林业大学
出处 《创意设计源》 2024年第6期63-68,共6页
关键词 艺术疗愈 艺术治疗 文献综述 大学生抑郁情绪 art healing art therapy literature review college students'depression
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