

Analysis on the Mechanism and Development Factors of goaf collapse in coal mine
摘要 筠连县位于四川南部,存在大量煤矿采空区,形成采空区塌陷以及伴生的地面裂隙地质灾害。通过对研究区采空区塌陷以及伴生地面裂隙调查,分析煤矿开采形成冒落带、导水裂隙、深厚比、停产时间、开采安全深度、地表移动与变形等因子对采空区塌陷灾害的影响。结果表明,深厚比、开采安全深度、地表移动与变形影响较大。 Junlian County,located in the south of Sichuan Province,has a large number of goaf areas,which causes geological disasters such as collapse and fissure.Based on investigation of collapse,fracture and other disasters in the study area,the influence of factors such as caving zone,water-conducting fracture,depth-thickness ratio,shutdown time,mining safety depth,surface movement and deformation on the disaster is analyzed.The results show that depth-thickness ratio,mining safety depth,surface movement and deformation are the main influencing factors of coal mine goaf collapse.
作者 李国新 钱利军 欧莉华 吴小明 朱桃秀 LI Guoxin;QIAN Lijun;OU Lihua;WU Xiaoming;ZHU Taoxiu(Xichang University,Xichang Sichuan 615000;Geological Society of Sichuan Provirice,Chengdu 610081)
出处 《四川地质学报》 2024年第4期694-698,共5页 Acta Geologica Sichuan
关键词 采空区 塌陷机理 发展因素 golf collapse mechanism development factor
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