

A Study of Structural Transformation of the Russian Model of Doctoral Training
摘要 随着俄罗斯新版《研究生部科学和科学教育人才培养条例》《授予博士学位的学科专业目录》《研究生部科学和科学教育人才培养计划构成、实施规程、修业年限国家要求》的正式施行,俄罗斯一流大学博士生培养模式开始由个别化向结构化转型。培养模式的转型促进了博士生培养理念、培养目标、学制、培养平台、课程体系、指导方式和学位授权等全方位的转变,俄罗斯拓宽博士生培养目标、根据学科和专业特点实行差异化学制、重视博士生通用能力和跨学科研究能力培养、实行导师负责和集体培养相结合的指导模式等方面的改革经验,对我国博士生教育改革具有参考价值。 With the implementation of the new version of The Regulations on the Training of Scientific and Educational Personnel in the Postgraduate Department,The Catalogue of Subjects and Specialities for the Conferment of Doctoral Degrees,and The Requirements for the Structure of Programs for the Training of Scientific and Scientific-pedagogical Personnel in Graduate School,the Conditions of Their Implementation,the Duration of Training,the model of doctoral training in Russia’s leading universities has shifted from an“individualized”to a“structured”approach.This transformation has led to a comprehensive change in various aspects,including the philosophy,objectives,academic system,training platforms,curriculum,guidance methods,and degree awarding systems.The reform experience in Russia,which includes broadening the objectives of doctoral education,laying emphasis on the development of general competencies and interdisciplinary research skills,as well as combining supervisor responsibility with collective training models,offers valuable insights for the reform of doctoral education in China.
作者 王森 周峪竹 WANG Sen;ZHOU Yuzhu(School of International Studies,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Educational Legislation Research Base of Ministry of Education,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Centre for Russian Studies,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《世界教育信息》 2024年第12期56-63,共8页 Journal of World Education
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中俄媒体合作与国际舆论话语权构建研究”(编号:17ZDA289) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“当代俄罗斯中学历史教科书中的中国形象研究”(编号:21BZS141)。
关键词 俄罗斯 博士生教育 结构化培养模式 转型 Russia Doctoral education Structured training model Transformation
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