

Preparation and Application of Bio-based Latex-like Flexible Polyurethane Foams
摘要 采用生物基多元醇、聚合物多元醇、聚醚多元醇、甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)和改性MDI制备了生物基乳胶感聚氨酯软泡,研究了生物基多元醇用量、异氰酸酯指数以及复配交联剂用量等原料对泡沫的物理性能和舒适性的影响。结果表明,使用生物基多元醇可生产乳胶手感更强的泡沫;通过调整异氰酸酯指数和自制交联剂的用量可生产力学性能优异的泡沫;使用乳胶感聚氨酯软质泡沫可生产与乳胶相似舒适度及手感的软垫用品。 The latex-like flexible polyurethane foams were prepared with bio-based polyols,polymer polyol,polyether polyol,TDI and modified MDI.The effects of dosage of the bio-based polyol,the isocyanate index and dosage of the mixed cross-linking agents on the physical characteristics and comfort of the foam were studied.The results showed that the foams with an enhanced latex-like feel could be prepared by using bio-based polyol,the foams with superior mechanical performance could be produced by adjusting the isocyanate index and the amount of self-made cross-linking agent.The soft cushion items could be manufactured from latex-like polyurethane soft foams and could give comfort and sensation akin to latex.
作者 崔爱华 林永飞 朱伯圣 林玲 孔鹏鹏 杜锋 朱春泉 CUI Aihua;LIN Yongfei;ZHU Bosheng;LIN Ling;KONG Pengpeng;DU Feng;ZHU Chunquan(Jiangsu Lvyuan New Materials Co.Ltd,Nantong 226003,China)
出处 《聚氨酯工业》 CAS 2024年第6期40-43,共4页 Polyurethane Industry
基金 江苏省级工程技术研究中心建设项目(BM2022347)。
关键词 生物基多元醇 乳胶感 聚氨酯软泡 交联剂 bio-based polyol latex-like sensation flexible polyurethane foam cross-linking agent
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