

Analysis and prediction of fatigue residual strength of asphalt mixture in semi-circular bending tests
摘要 为揭示沥青混合料在弯拉作用下的疲劳剩余强度规律,基于半圆弯曲试验,对AC-13C型沥青混合料及含不同粒径集料的AC-9.5、AC-4.75、AC-2.36、AC-1.18型沥青混合料开展了疲劳试验、疲劳剩余强度试验等研究,结合多尺度算法建立的数值模型,预测了不同粒径沥青混合料在不同损伤程度下的抗弯拉剩余强度和剩余强度衰减规律。预测结果与沥青混合料半圆弯曲试验结果对比分析表明,利用多尺度算法建立的数值模型,能够较精确地预测沥青混合料的抗弯拉剩余强度,预测结果与半圆弯曲试验结果吻合良好。 To reveal the law of fatigue residual strength of asphalt mixture under bending and tensile action,this study carried out the fatigue tests and fatigue residual strength tests on AC-13C asphalt mixture and asphalt mixture containing aggregates AC-9.5,AC-4.75,AC-2.36 and AC-1.18 based on semi-circular bending tests.By numerical model combining with multi-scale algorithm,it predicted the residual strength and attenuation law of residual strength of asphalt mixture at different damage degrees.The predicted results were compared with the results of asphalt mixture semicircular bending tests.The results show that the numerical model established by using multi-scale algorithm can predict the residual strength of asphalt mixture more accurately.The predicted results are in good agreement with those of the semicircular bending tests.
作者 李友云 车翔宇 申艳梅 吕琰 高英力 LI Youyun;CHE Xiangyu;SHEN Yanmei;L Yan;GAO Yingli(School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410114,China;CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co.Ltd,Zhuzhou 412000,China;Jiangsu Zhongshe Group Co.Ltd,Wuxi 214000,China)
出处 《山东科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期74-83,123,共11页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51978080)。
关键词 沥青混合料 半圆弯曲试验 多尺度预测 疲劳破坏 抗弯拉剩余强度 asphalt mixture semi-circular bending test multiple scale prediction fatigue damage residual strength of flexural tension
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