
健全水利新质生产力发展体制机制 全力推进农村水利水电高质量发展

Establish a sound system and mechanism for the development of new quality and productive forces in water conservancy to fully promote the high-quality development of rural water and hydropower
摘要 推动农村水利水电高质量发展是贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策要求,推动水利高质量发展的一项重要举措。文章以党的二十届三中全会对水利事业改革发展的要求为指引,围绕健全水利新质生产力发展体制机制,从施行农村供水“3+1”标准化建设和管护模式,健全农业节水五项制度体系,推进小水电绿色改造和现代化提升等方面阐述了农村水利水电高质量发展的具体路径和努力方向。 Promoting the high-quality development of rural water and hydropower is an important measure to implement the decision-making requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council,and to promote the high-quality development of water conservancy.Guided by the requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the reform and development of water conservancy,this article focuses on improving the system and mechanism for the development of new water conservancy productivity,and elaborates on the specific path and direction of high-quality development of rural water and hydropower from the implementation of the“3+1”standardized construction and management mode for rural water supply,the improvement of the five institutional systems for agricultural water conservation,and the promotion of green transformation and modernization of small-sized hydropower.
作者 陈明忠 CHEN Mingzhong(Department of Rural Water and Hydropower,the Ministry of Water Resources,Beijing 100054,China)
出处 《水利发展研究》 2024年第12期79-83,共5页 Water Resources Development Research
关键词 水利新质生产力 体制机制 农村水利水电 农村供水 灌区 小水电 new quality and productive forces in water conservancy system and mechanism rural water and hydropower rural water supply irrigation area small-sized hydropower
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