

Research on Milling and Filling Construction Technology for Maintenance of Ruts on Asphalt Pavement of Highways
摘要 为解决公路车辙问题,本文以G312线沪霍公路为例,对车辙养护铣刨填补施工技术进行研究,针对该公路存在的车辙问题,提出了具体的铣刨填补施工工艺,并针对施工中的常见问题提出具体的解决措施,从而提高路面修复质量,延长公路使用寿命,为相关工程人员在车辙养护施工中的决策提供科学依据。 In order to solve the problem of road ruts,this article takes the G312 Huhuo Highway as an example to study the construction technology of rut maintenance milling and filling.In response to the existing rut problems on the highway,specific milling and filling construction processes are proposed,and specific solutions are proposed for common problems during construction.This improves the quality of road surface repair,extends the service life of the highway,and provides scientific basis for decision-making by relevant engineering personnel in rut maintenance construction.
作者 张宏杰 Zhang Hongjie(Gansu Pingliang Highway Development Center Jingchuan Highway Section,Pingliang,China)
出处 《科学技术创新》 2025年第1期170-173,共4页 Scientific and Technological Innovation
关键词 G312线沪霍公路 车辙养护 铣刨填补技术 G312 Shanghai Huozhou Highway track maintenance milling and filling technology
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