
基于红外热成像对岭南健康大学生湿性体质的中医客观化分析 被引量:2

Objective analysis of dampness constitution in healthy university students in Lingnan based on infrared thermal imaging
摘要 目的探讨红外热成像对岭南地区健康大学生湿性体质的中医客观化特征。方法依据《中医体质分类与判定标准》,筛选健康大学生平和质41例、痰湿质36例、湿热质26例,运用红外热成像进行体表热值数据采集,统计比较不同体质类型人群在红外热成像上的躯干局部区域、经脉、穴位的热值差异。结果在不同体质人群中,痰湿质人群的神阙穴热值为32.82(31.72,33.92)℃低于平和质人群,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01667),痰湿质人群石门穴热值为32.42(31.59,33.24)℃、双侧膀胱俞穴热值分别为30.96(30.23,31.68)、31.06(30.30,31.81)℃,低于湿热质人群,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01667);湿热质人群左章门穴热值为33.16(32.25,33.96)℃高于平和质,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01667),各体质间热值差异与湿性体质发病趋向相符合。结论红外热成像能客观反映湿性体质人群的穴位热值差异,是中医体质辨识的重要工具,对于临床针对湿性体质进行早期干预具有参考意义。 Objective To investigate the objective characteristics of dampness constitution in healthy university students in Lingnan using infrared thermal imaging.Methods According to the Standards for Classification and Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitutions,41 students with a balanced constitution,36 with a phlegm-damp constitution,and 26 with a damp-heat constitution were selected.Infrared thermal imaging was used to collect surface temperature data,and thermal values of specific trunk areas,meridians,and acupoints were statistically compared among different constitutional types.Results Among the different constitutional types,the thermal value of the Shenque point in the phlegm-damp constitution group was 32.82(31.72,33.92)℃,which was lower than that in the balanced constitution group(P<0.01667).The thermal values of the Shimen point in the phlegm-damp constitution group was 32.42(31.59,33.24)℃,while the bilateral Bladder Shu points were 30.96(30.23,31.68)℃and 31.06(30.30,31.81)℃,respectively,which were lower than those in the damp-heat constitution group(P<0.01667).The thermal value of the left Zhangmen point in the damp-heat constitution group was 33.16(32.25,33.96)℃,higher than that in the balanced constitution group(P<0.01667).These thermal value differences were consistent with the tendencies of dampness constitution onset.Conclusion Infrared thermal imaging can objectively reflect the differences in acupoint thermal values among individuals with dampness constitution,making it a valuable tool for identifying traditional Chinese medicine constitutions.This technique offers useful references for early clinical intervention targeting dampness constitution.
作者 黄诗雅 卢永锵 扈阳 刘嘉霖 周浪 陈欣燕 林嬿钊 张晓轩 白贵敦 毛小妹 HUANG Shi-ya;LU Yong-qiang;HU Yang;LIU Jia-lin;ZHOU Lang;CHEN Xin-yan;LIN Yan-zhao;ZHANG Xiao-xuan;BAI Gui-dun;MAO Xiao-mei(The Second Clinical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510105,Guangdong,China;不详)
出处 《广东医学》 CAS 2024年第12期1529-1534,共6页 Guangdong Medical Journal
基金 省部共建中医湿证国家重点实验室项目(SZ2021ZZ31,SZ2021ZZ32,SZ2021ZZ3001) 广州市科技计划项目(2023A03J0734)。
关键词 湿性体质 红外热成像 中医客观化辨识 dampness constitution infrared thermal imaging objective identification in traditional Chinese medicine
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