

Comparative Analysis of Cooling Capacity Efficiency of TPZ-13 Pressurized Turboexpander
摘要 某空分车间装置的TPZ-13型增压透平膨胀机制冷量严重下降,膨胀机出口温度升高1℃左右,导致主换热器热交换不充分,进塔气量温度升高,难以满足低温液氮、液氧达到400 kg/h的需求。通过大修膨胀机提升制冷量,经修后焓值对比得出修后膨胀机制冷量提升192.14 kJ/h。现阶段设备整体效能满足400 kg/h低温液体需求。 In an air separation workshop device,the cooling capacity of the TPZ-13 pressurized turboexpander was seriously reduced,and the outlet temperature of the expander rised by about 1℃,resulting in insufficient heat exchange of the main heat exchanger and an increase in the temperature of the air inlet tower,which was difficult to meet the requirements of low-temperature liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen reaching 400 kg/h.The cooling capacity of the expander was increased by overhauling the expander,and the enthalpy value after repair was compared,and the cooling capacity of the expander mechanism was increased by 192.14 kJ/h.At this stage,the overall efficiency of the equipment meets 400 kg/h cryogenic liquid.
作者 李晨旺 庄正杰 程晓城 葛伟伟 刘跃康 师树帅 LI Chenwang;ZHUANG Zhengjie;CHENG Xiaocheng;GE Weiwei;LIU Yuekang;SHI Shushuai(Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center,Jiuquan 732750,China)
出处 《低温与特气》 CAS 2024年第6期41-45,共5页 Low Temperature and Specialty Gases
关键词 增压透平膨胀机 焓值对比 制冷量 pressurized turboexpander enthalpy value comparison cooling capacity
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