根据土 -结 (桩 )相互作用典型的界面力学行为特点——两者相互作用直至剪切破坏的滑动面一般都是在土体一侧内部发生的 ,滑动层的厚薄与土性及结构物表面粗糙度等有关等 ,提出了把二者所谓相互作用的界面在概念上做广义化的处理 ,即泛化为一有限的区域 ,认为结构与土体相互作用的界面应是一个广义的相互作用影响范围而非绝对地仅只限于两者的相互接触界面 ,两者间相互作用的界面行为可近似地通过这有限薄层范围内土体材料的本构行为来模拟 ,从而形成了本文关于土 -结相互作用界面行为的模拟关键实质上可以归结为土体的非线性本构行为及其数值分析途径的研究等观点 。
Some new examining viewpoints about the numerical modeling of interface behavior have been discussed on the base of overall reviewing the previous research work, which usually arises in soil\|structure interaction. According to the features of the interface behavior in soil\|structure interaction such as the failure usually happens in a relatively finite zone inside the soil, the thickness of which is generally influenced by the soil property and the surface roughness of the structure. Hence the concept of the soil\|structure interaction interface should be generalized and suggests that the interaction should be simulated by a thin thickness interface element, especially the constitutive behavior of the element. In this way the numerical modeling of the interface behavior has been ended up in the problem of nonlinear analysis of soil mechanics. The paper suggest that the study of the interface behavior simulation should be rationalize through the constitutive modeling of interface element.
Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
国家科技部攀登 B计划研究项目--"重大土木与水利工程安全性与耐久性的基础研究"子项目"高层建筑深基坑安全性分析"资助