深圳市平湖华宝 (集团 )有限公司采用曝气两级过滤工艺进行地下水除铁除锰的处理 ,出水的各项指标均达到国家生活饮用水卫生标准 (GB5 74985 ) ,吨水处理成本为 0 .31元。该工艺运行稳定 ,投资运行费用低 。
The process of aeration-two step filtration for removing iron and manganese from ground water is applied by Shenzhen Pinghu Huabao Group Company Limited. The results show that every index of the outlet reaches the hygienic standard of national drinking water (GB5479-85). The running cost is 0.31 yuan per ton water. The process has preferable economic benefits in stable operations and in low cost and investment.
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection