目的 :观察小剂量肝素佐治新生儿重症肺炎的疗效。方法 :在吸氧、改善循环功能、抗感染等综合治疗基础上 ,对观察组 2 6例重症肺炎新生儿加用小剂量肝素治疗 ,并与对照组 2 6例比较。结果 :治疗 3d后观察组在面色转红、呼吸困难消失或明显减轻、血氧饱和度及血气分析转为正常方面明显优于对照组 ,未见副作用 (P <0 0 0 1)。结论 :小剂量肝素佐治新生儿重症肺炎是一种有效。
Objective: To observe the effect of neonatal heavy pneumonia with the assistance of micro dosage heparin Methods: Besides the colligation therapeutics of giving oxygen, ameliorating circular function, augmenting antibiotics, and so on,the treat group of 26 neonates with heavy pneumonia is added the therapy of micro dosage heparin, and compared with the contral group Results: The treat group is much better than the contral group in facial met red, dyspnoea extinction or phanero relieve?blood oxygen saturation and blood gas analysis met normal,no side effect was fund after three days treatment ( P <0 001) Conclusion:Micro dosage heparin apply is an effective and safe method for neonatal heavy pneumonia
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy