目的 探讨乡镇卫生院合作经营制改革的措施 ,综合评价改制的成效。方法 采用典型调查法 ,调查浙江省仙居县 1 6所乡镇卫生院合作经营制改革具体措施 ,比较改制前后的卫生资源和服务效率的变化。结果 改制采用混合型合作形式 ,坚持公有制为主导 ;流动资产折股分派 ,实行职工全员入股 ;确立了国家、集体和个人利益分配机制。改制后 ,乡镇卫生院的基础建设加强 ,服务能力提高 ,经济状况改善 ,国有资产保值增值 ,职工潜力发挥 ,社会效益显著。结论 仙居县乡镇卫生院合作经营制改革的措施基本上是适宜的 ,并取得了明显的初步成效 。
Objective To explore measures for the reform of the cooperative business operation system of township public health centers and evaluate in a comprehensive way the results of the reform. Methods A study was made by means of typical investigation of the specific measures taken by 16 township public health centers in Xianju County of Zhejiang Province in the reform of the cooperative business operation system and changes in health resources and service efficiency brought about by the reform were analyzed. Results In the reform, mixed type cooperation was adopted, with public ownership dominating; current assets were assigned in the form of stocks, with all the staff having a share; and a distribution system was established, clarifying the proportions of state, collective and personal interests. As a result, the infrastructures of the centers were enhanced, the service capabilities improved, the financial situation bettered, the value of national assets increased, the potentialities of the staff brought into full play, and social benefits maximized. Conclusion The measures taken by the centers in the reform, which were basically sound and resulted in significant first fruits, could be popularized as an effective model for deepening the reform of health care institutions in the rural areas.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
Township public health center
Cooperative business operation system