以两种菊酯类杀虫剂为主要成分开发研制出新型高效低毒药剂粮仓杀虫灵并用于实仓试验。试验结果表明 ,新药具有高效、低毒、低残留、击倒快、效果好、残效期长、价格便宜等优点 ,不仅完全适合空仓消毒 。
A new high efficiency and low toxicity pesticide(SHACHONGLING) composed of cypermethrin,tetramethrin and other materials was developed.It was applied to field test.The results showed that the new pesticide has the advantages of high efficiency,low toxicity,low residues,quick control,low cost and so on.It can not only be used for sterilization of empty warehouse,but also be used for stored grain as protectant instead of malathion.
Grain Storage