通过对 2个矿区不同煤矸石浸泡和淋溶的试验 ,对煤矸石所含部分微量元素对环境的影响进行了试验研究和分析。试验结果显示 ,在高潜水位矿区复垦中 ,充填的煤矸石大半位于潜水位以下 ,煤矸石 (尤其是新矸石 )中氟的淋溶和迁移对水质有影响 ;煤矸石本身重金属含量较低 ,性质较稳定 ,煤矸石的风化分解对可溶态重金属含量无明显影响 ;降雨对煤矸石的淋溶作用不会造成重金属的环境污染。通过科学试验和合理设计 ,证明用煤矸石充填复垦矿区土地是可行的。
On the basis of immersion and leaching experiments conducted on waste coal of different origins, study and analysis of the impact of some trace elements in waste coal on the environment is carried out. The experiment results indicate that in the reclamation of mining sites with shallower underground water table the majority of back-filled waste coal is under the ground water table, which presents impact on the quality of underground water due to the fluorine leaching and migration from the waste coal especially the newer waste coal. The weathering and decomposition of waste coal presents very limited influence on the content of soluble heavy metals due to the very limited heavy metal contents and more stable chemical nature of waste coal. The impact of precipitation on the leaching of waste coal will not result in heavy metal pollution in the environment. Tests and rationalized design prove that the use of waste coal for land reclamation related back-filling is feasible.
China Coal