随着新的低溶剂高固含量涂料、辐射固化涂料、水性涂料和粉末涂料的不断开发和应用,美国、日本和西欧的甲乙酮应用市场出现萎缩,产量不断下滑。在亚洲,由于甲乙酮市场持续发展,未来仍有可能建设新的生产装置。世界甲乙酮生产能力最大的6家公司是美国Shell化学公司,生产能力为13.6万t/a;美国Exxon Mobil化学公司,生产能力为13.5万t/a;英国Exxon Mobil化学公司,生产能力为13.5万t/a;日本丸善石油化学株式会社,生产能力为9.0万t/a;荷兰Shell化学公司,生产能力为7.0万t/a;日本东燃化学公司,生产能力为7.O万t/a。我国甲乙酮的主要生产厂家有山东齐翔达化工有限公司、辽宁抚顺石油化工二厂、黑龙江石油化工厂、江苏泰州石油化工总厂和山东济南炼油厂,总生产能力约10万t/a。由于生产技术、产品质量等因素,国内甲乙酮的实际产量只有1万t/a左右,远不能满足国内需求,每年都需大量进口。广东、上海、浙江和江苏是我国甲乙酮消费量最大的地区。
Along with the continual development and application of the 0
new kinds of coatings such as low-solvent high-solid content, radiation cu-ring, water-borne and powered coatings, the application market of methyl
ethyl ketone(MEK) is shrinking in the U. S. , Japan and Western Europe,
its output is continually declined. In Asia, its market is in sustained devel-opment so new production unit is still likely to be built. The biggest 6 pro-
ducers of MEK in the world are U. S. based Shell, Exxon Mobil in the
U. S. , Maruzen Petrochemical in Japan, Shell in Netherlands, and Toa ft
Nenryo Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha with a capacity of 136000 t/a, 135000 t/a, 90000 t/a, 70000 t/a, and 70000 t/a respectively. There are 5 main pro-
ducers of MEK in China i. e. Shangdong Qixiang Chemical Co. , Ltd. , Lia-
oning Fushun No. 2 Petroleum Plant, Heilongjiang Petrochemical Works,
Jiangsu Taizhou General Petrochemical Works and Shandong Jinan Oil Re-
finery with a total capacity of 100000 t/a. Because of the influences of pro- duction technology and product quality, its actual output is only about 10000
t/a, far less than the domestic demand, and a great deal of MEK to import. Guangdong Province , the city of Shanghai, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu
Province are the main regions with maximal MEK consumption in China.
Fine and Specialty Chemicals