针对多年来有关抽油机位移量检验方法的落后 ,提出了基于电荷耦合器件 (CCD)阵列的抽油机检测方法 ,用于抽油机悬点投影和剪刀差的检验 ,检测结果客观、准确、数据处理方便 ,而且充分考虑了实际应用中可能出现的各种问题 ,并提出相应的解决方法。与同类型测量系统相比 ,CCD测量系统成本低 ,可与计算机相联 ,进行测量数据的集中采集和分析 ,以及质量分析和统计 ,并在出现问题时做出报警和提示 。
To improve the precision of the conventional test method, a new method based on CCD (charge coupled device) matrix is proposed. Working principle of the test method is described in detail. The method is tested in lab and some measures are provided to solve practical problems when it is used in field operation. Test results show that the new method is characterized by high accuracy, low cost, easy data acquisition and processing and high anti-interfering ability compared with the conventional test method.
China Petroleum Machinery