Objective: To investigate effective and advisable treatment for carcinoma of penis. Methods: Data of 21 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, 1 case with basal cell carcinoma, 1 case with malignant change of papilloma and 1 case with Paget's disease were reviewed. 17 cases received partial amputation of the penis and 2 cases received total penis amputation with perineal urethrastomy, 1 case received electrocautery, 1 case received simple posthetomy.3 cases received inguinal lymph node dissection. 3 cases refused to be treated. 21 of all patients were followed - up. Results: The 5 - year survival rate after surgery were 88 % and 100 % in the group of patients with partial amputation and in patients with total amputation respectively. Conclusion: The phimosis, the redundant prepuce and bad health habit may be the main risk factors for the disease. The effect of the surgical treatment for carcinoma of the penis is good and the survival rate of the patients is higher. The biopsy for inguinal lymph node before dissection is necessary.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine