
超光速佯谬和中微子(英文) 被引量:3

Superluminal Paradox and Neutrino
摘要 爱因斯坦的狭义相对论和因果原理意味着任何运动物体的速度不能超过光在真空中的速度.然而,有许多讨论超光速运动粒子的尝试,这些讨论或者是在狭义相对论的框架下进行的,或者是超越了狭义相对论.这些讨论都遇到一系列难以克服的困难,即"超光速佯谬".文中详细分析了这种佯谬,并证明它在与狭义相对论兼容的量子理论中显然是不出现的.在实在世界中,中微子最可能是一种超光速粒子. Einstein′s theory of special relativity (SR) and the principle of causality imply that the speed of any moving object can not exceed that of light in a vacuum (c). However, there were many attempts in literature discussing the particle moving with speed u>c(called as superluminal particle or tachyon) either in the scheme of SR or beyond it. These theories all encountered a series of insurmountable difficulties which will be named 'superluminal paradox'in this paper. We will analyze it in some detail and then prove that the paradox disappears unambiguously in quantum theory, which is compatible with SR. Most likely, the superluminal particle in real world is just a kind of known particle, the neutrino.
作者 倪光炯
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition
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