辽宁有蛇类 1 7种 ,隶属 3科 8属 ,其中分布在海洋中的海蛇有 3种 ,陆地上有 1 4种 .根据 1 996~ 1 999年的辽宁陆生野生动物调查结果显示 ,辽宁陆生野生蛇类数量已趋于减少 ,且减少幅度较大 .栖息地环境质量渐趋恶化及人类的过度利用是其减少的主要原因 .为了有效保护好现有的蛇类资源 ,达到资源的可持续利用和发展 ,提出保护对策如下 :加强蛇类栖息地和栖息环境保护 ;加强宣传和保护意识 ,帮助民众树立正确的生态道德观 ;加强对蛇类资源的开发利用研究 ,增加蛇产品的科技含量 ;加强人工养殖研究 ,突破饲料和繁殖难关 ,变“周转仓”
There are 17 species of snakes belonging to 3 families and 8 genera in Liaoning province, among which 3 species of marine snakes inhabit in the sea, and 14 on the land. According to the data of investigation on the terrestrial animals in Liaoning in 1996~1999, the quantity of the wild snakes are in a big decrease. The reason leading to such a situation relates to two different aspects: environment pollution and over utilization of land. In order to protect the snake resources and reach a continuous utilization of and a development in the resources of snakes, we conclude the following strategies: ① Strengthen the protection of snake habitats. ② Highten the consciousness of publicity and protection. Help people to acquire a correct ecological outlook. ③ Strengthen the exploitation and utilization in snake resources, increase scientific and technical level of snake products. ④ Improve the skill of artificial cultivation, study the key problem of snake propagation and feed, and change the 'storehouse' to a real snake yard.
Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition