

Design and Analysis of SAFER Block Cipher
摘要 SAFER系列密码算法的总体结构采用SP 网络,它的设计具有其独到的几个特色。分析SAFER系列密码算法的设计思想,沿着设计者对它们不断改进的思路,分别描述其混淆层、扩散层、密钥扩展算法的性质和对它们的攻击。 The general structure of SAFER block ciphers adopts SP network. It's design has some original features. In this paper, the design technique of SAFER block cipher is analyzed. Along the process of improvement of it's designers, we give a description of and attack on their confusion layer, diffusion layer and key schedule algorithm. In the end, some problems about SAFER design are proposed, and will be studied later.
出处 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期415-421,共7页 Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(60 10 30 2 3 60 0 830 0 7) 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助(G19990 35 810 )
关键词 SAFER系列密码算法 分组密码 混淆层 扩散层 密钥扩展算法 算法设计 SP-网络 block cipher , SAFER, confusion layer, diffusion layer, key schedule
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