自由空间光通信已经成为一种可行的、宽带宽的无线通信方式。相比于光纤通信 ,自由空间光通信可迅速配置 ,并且价格低廉。由于信道和天气相关 ,因此 ,在大气中光功率的损耗是不确定的 ,并且难以预测。介绍了大气信道 ,针对自由空间光通信系统建立当中的问题进行阐述 ,并提出了解决办法。
Free Space Optics (FSO) has become a viable, high bandwidth wireless alternative to fiber optic cabling. The primary advantages of FSO over fiber are its rapid deployment time and significant cost savings. The disadvantage of FSO over fiber is that laser power attenuation through the atmosphere is variable and difficult to predict, for it is weather dependent. In this paper, the atmospheric channel and some problems in the design of the FSO communications system are discussed.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)