目的 :选择性支气管动脉药物灌注治疗不能手术之中晚期肺癌并观察其疗效。材料与方法 :利用药物灌注前后的胸部平片及支气管动脉造影所取得的影像资料 ,分析其疗效并就如何加以提高进行讨论。结果 :本组 70例 ,经药物灌注治疗共 12 1次 ,总有效 6 1例 ,占 87 1%。有效病例肿块缩小 ,临床症状得到不同程度改善。结论 :此法为不能手术的中晚期肺癌治疗之首选。且简单安全易行 ,近期疗效确实 ,无明显并发症。
Purpose:To treat middle-late stage lung cancers which are inoperatible hy selective bronchial artery drug infusion and to study the curative effects.Materials and Methods:Through the chest photos before and after the therapy of drug infusion and the data gained by bronchography to analysis the curative effectes,and to discussion how to improve it.Results:This group has 70 cases,and is treated by drug infusion for 121 times.61 cases have the overall response,the rate is 87 1%.The tumours of the overall response caces are decreased,the clinical symptems obtain amelioration.Conclusion:This technique is first selected by middle-late stage lung cancers which are inoperable and is simple and safty.The adverse effeets are precise.And without obvious complications.
Modern Medical Imageology