目的 :探讨产后抑郁症的发生率及影响因素。方法 :用医院焦虑及抑郁情绪自评量表 (HAD)调查随机抽取的 1132例孕妇 ,其中 90 2例以艾迪产后抑郁量表 (EPDS)跟踪调查至产后 4 2d。结果 :EPDS阳性率为 14 97%。用单因素和多元回归分析了产后抑郁症的影响因素 ,确定孕妇健康状况 ,孕期夫妻关系 ,分娩时医护人员的态度 ,丈夫企盼生男孩的程度及孕妇听课次数 ,孕期焦虑及抑郁情绪等 7个因素与产后抑郁症的关系最密切 ,其中孕期听课次数与产后抑郁症的发生呈负相关 ,余 6项均与产后抑郁症呈正相关。结论
Objective:To analyze any etiology of PD and investigate for its preventive measures Method: 1 132 pregnant women were randomly selected to accept hospital anxiety and depression mood scale examination(HAD) Result:14 97% show po^sitive result when measured by Edi^nburgh postpartum depression scale(EPDS),which has been analysed through monofactor and multifactor regressive analyse for related factors Conclusion:Anxiety and depression mood in pregnant period is the main related factor in post partum depression etiology,
Journal of Qilu Nursing