目的 了解秋季沈阳市小学生个体紫外线暴露情况。方法 在秋分前后采用紫外线个体监测仪监测 30名小学生累计 1周的暴露值 ,同时记录户外活动时间。结果 小学生紫外线暴露量日间分布基本对应于户外活动时间 ,r=0 .833。上学日暴露量占 1周的79.7% ,休息日暴露量日间分布没有明显集中趋势 ,体育课的暴露不容忽视 ,中午占全天的 32 .0 %。紫外线暴露量个体间差异很大。小学生日暴露量只占同时环境剂量很小部分 ,各时段暴露量占同时环境剂量的百分比在 1.16 %~ 5.0 6 %间。结论 小学生紫外线暴露量日间分布基本对应于户外活动时间 。
Objective To explore personal exposure of primary scholars to solar-ultraviolet radiation in autumn in Shenyang.Methods Ultraviolet radiation individual monitors were used to record the seven-day cumulative amount of solar-ultraviolet radiation among 30 pupils in the autumnal equinox. Outdoor activities was timed at the same time. Results The distribution of exposure dose rate in daytime was correlated with outdoor activity time, and positive correlation coefficient is 0.833. Exposure dose rate in school days accounted for 79.7 percent of the seven-day cumulative amount of solar-ultraviolet radiation. Distribution of daytime exposure dose rate during weekend did not showed obvious concentrated trend. The amount of solar-ultraviolet radiation received in exercise could not been ignored. Exposure dose rate in noontime amounted to 32.0 percent of the amount of solar-ultraviolet radiation a day. Differences among individuals were significant in individual solar-ultraviolet exposure dose rate. Individual daytime exposure dose rate is only 3.02 percent of environmental dosage. The ratio of exposure dose rate in every period of daytime to environmental dosage fluctuated from 1.16 percent to 5.06 percent. Conclusion Distribution of daytime ultraviolet exposure of primary scholars is corresponded with outdoor activity time. Individual difference in ultraviolet exposure among pupils is mainly attributed to individual action diversity.
Chinese Journal of School Health