目的 了解我国北方学龄儿童行为问题的检出率和分布 ,为预防和干预提供线索。方法 采用整群抽样的方法 ,在城乡分别选取 2所小学 ,每年级整群抽取 2个班 ,共 196 1名学龄儿童 ,以 (CBCL)为工具进行调查。结果 行为问题总检出率为 13.97% ,农村高于城市 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;城乡学龄儿童分裂样、社会交往、体诉、交往不良、多动、攻击、性问题因子异常率差异有显著性 ,均为农村高于城市儿童。城乡儿童问题类型分布趋势一致。男女儿童行为问题检出率差异无显著性 ;在问题类型分布上 ,单一问题和混合问题的性别分布差异无显著性 ,但男孩内向问题多于外向问题 ,女孩的内向问题和外向问题分布趋势一致。各年级儿童行为问题检出率差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5) ,以二、三年级检出率最高 ( 16 .97% ) ;各年级问题类型分布趋势一致。结论 儿童行为问题流行病学分布特征 ,从地域看 ,重点在农村 ;从问题类型看 ,重点在内向问题 ,尤其不能忽视男孩的内向问题 ;从年级看 ,重点在二。
Objective To investigate the prevalence and the distribution of behavioral problems in school-aged children in northern areas of China, and to provide basis for developing interventions.Methods A cross-sectional study on behavioral problems was conducted among 1961 school-aged children selected in 2 urban primary schools and 2 rural primary schools with cluster sampling method. Results The prevalence rate of behavioral problems was 13.97%, and the rate in rural areas was higher than in urban areas. Rural children had more behavioral problems including schizoid behavior, withdrawn, somatic complaints, bad communication, hyperactivity, aggressive and sexual problem than rural children; however, no significant difference was found in the distribution of the types of behavioral problems between urban and rural children. There was no gender difference in the prevalence rate of behavioral problems. The rate of introversion problems was higher than the rate of extroversion problems among boys, while the rate of introversion problems was similar to the rate of extroversion problems among girls. There was significant difference in the prevalence of behavioral problems among children in different grades, and the rate was the highest among children in 2-3 grades(16.97%). Conclusions More attention must be paid to rural area, introversion problems, especially in boys, in children at 2-3 grades.
Chinese Journal of School Health
黑龙江省教育厅课题 ( 10 512 0 81)