用高脂饲料诱发鹌鹑动脉粥样硬化 ,观察了儿茶素对动脉粥样硬化模型的影响。将 30只雄性 30天龄鹌鹑随机分成 3组 ,每组 10只。对照组 (N)给予普通饲料 ;高脂组 (L)给予高脂饲料 ;儿茶素防治组 (L +C)给予高脂饲料的同时喂以儿茶素水制剂。以上各组均喂养 3个月后全部处死 ,取血清、肝脏检测相关指标 ,并做冰冻切片及电镜切片进行评价。结果显示儿茶素防治组与高脂组相比 ,鹌鹑血清TC、TG、LDL C、MDA和Fru水平显著下降 (P <0 0 1) ,血清SOD活性、HDL C、NO2- NO3- 含量和肝脏SOD、ALT、AST活性及NO2- NO3- 含量都显著升高 (P <0 0 1)。说明儿茶素具有明显的调节血脂、抗脂质过氧化、减轻脂肪肝。
Atherosclerosis was induced in quails by feeding high lipid food and effect of catechins on development of atherosclerosis was observed. 30 French quails of 30 days of age were divided into 3 groups (10 each) randomly. The control group(N) was fed by standard diet. The high lipid group (L) and the high lipid and catechins group(L+C) were fed with high lipid food and the latter received a Chinese drug named catechins. After feeding 3 months all experimental quails were killed. The relative indexes in serum and hepar were got to be detected. The hepatic tissue was cut into frozen section for microscopy. Compared with group L , group L+C was found to have an increase of serum SOD and ALT activity, HDL C and NO content and of hepatic SOD, ALT and AST activity and NO content. Serum TC, TG, LDL C and Fru (fructosamine) content were decreased. The results showed that Catechins might be a drug for regulating blood lipid and anti lipid peroxides and for relieve fatty liver and decreasing of Fru as well as anti atherosclerosis.
Basic and Clinical Medicine
上海现代生物与医药产业办公室 (32 4 9)