

Professor Talks About Wuyi Mountain Biosphere Reserve
摘要 武夷山自然保护区自建立至今已20年,有一位与武夷山结下了不解情缘的老科学家,他就是福建农业大学植保系教授、博士生导师——赵修复。我曾是他的学生,现在在福建省电视台社教节目中心《绿色家园》任编辑。 Song Xiaochuan, editor with the Fujian TV Station interviewed her teacher Zhao Xiufu, an entomologist with the Fujian Agricultural University. According to Zhao, the Guadun and Dazhulan areas in the Wuyi Mountain region are famous in the world for insects and other animals as well as plant specimens. It was important to make theseareas a nature reserve because there were and still are many more species to be discovered and researched.The Wuyi Mountain Biosphere Reserve is in a unique location with a warm climate and adequate rainfall. In relation to the geological distribution of animals, it is on the joining line of the palearctic region and the southeast realm; while for plants, it is on the transition belt of pan-arctic flora and tropical flora. Dazhulan and Guadun are both 1,800 meters above sea level, with Huanggang Mountain more than 2,100 meters above sea level. Birds, from the north and south, stop here on their migratory routes. There are also large areas of primitive forests. There are few places in the world possessing such conditions that allow the existence of a rich variety of species. This place has many names including the 'hometown of insects', 'world of birds' and 'kingdom of snakes'.British scientists began to collect plant specimens here in 1699. Since 1845, missionaries and biologists from countries such as Britain, France, the United States and Germany have come to collect biological specimens in the Wuyi Mountain region. For example, La Touche from Britain came here several times from 1896-1898 to collect bird specimens. And C.H. Pope from the United Statescame to collect amphibious and reptile specimens from 1925-1926.According to statistics, more than 1,000 new animal and plant species have been found in the Wuyi Mountain region. Of them, 57 species of plants, 55 species of vertebrate animals and 799 species of insects were found in the nature reserve. Many specimens of new species of creatures were collected in Guadun and Dazhulan. They were already world famous before the establishment of the nature reserve.The Wuyi Mountain Biosphere Reserve has a variety of insects. There are altogether 33 orders of insects in China. Thirty-one have been found in the Wuyi Mountain Biosphere Reserve. Over the past hundred years, 4,635 species of insects, most of which were found at Dazhulan, have been identified. Scientists predict that there are more than 20,000 species of insects in the Biosphere Reserve.The primitive forests never suffer from worm attacks. The reason for this is the natural balance of insects which creates a perfect ecological harmony.To date, insect specimens in the area have been collected twice on a large scale. The first time was in 1937-1938 when Hohanne Klapperich from the former West Germany collected 160,000 specimens. The second time was during the Resistance War Against the Japanese Invasion in 1937-1945, when Ma Junchao, a Chinese entomologist, stayed in the area for years, collecting insect specimens. In addition to the specimens he collected in other parts of China, he collected altogether 600,000 specimens, including more than 4,000 species of insects.To better protect the resources in this area, Zhao conducted investigations and suggested to the government to designate this area a nature reserve. The Wuyi Mountain Biosphere Reserve was formerly established in April 1979.
作者 宋晓川
出处 《中国生物圈保护区》 1999年第2期4-7,共4页
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