随着半导体技术的不断发展 ,在硅芯片制造过程中应用行之有效的缺陷检测、分类和管理技术 ,以提高成品率、降低生产成本将变得越来越重要 ,其中最为关键的任务即是能够尽可能早地鉴别缺陷类型及其可能的成因。配以LEICAADCNT系统的LEICAINS30 0 0缺陷复检和自动分类系统能根据建立的数据库对硅片上的缺陷进行自动复检、分类和统计。帮助工程师们从缺陷类别的角度来实施缺陷管理 ,加速了诊断工艺问题的进程 ,从而达到提升成品率、降低成本的目的。
Defect management methods that help increase yields at lower costs are becoming more important in today's competitive semiconductor market. The most important task in defect management is to be able to identify defects and the possible causes for them as early as possible. A Knowledge-based ADC (Automatic Defect Classification ) System allows a fab to monitor the defects by type, not only by count.It enables the characterization of the manufacturing process and makes it possible to optimize the process flow and the process equipment settings.
Equipment for Electronic Products Manufacturing