采取减少试样反应量及必要的分离手段,以原子荧光光谱法测定基体成分复杂、待测元素含量差异较大的多金属矿标准样品中的砷、汞、铋,砷、汞、铋的检出限分别为0.2、0.01、1.3 ng/mL,测定结果的相对标准偏差分别为1.88%~4.04%、2.1%~5.8%、1.1%~8.9%,线性相关系数均大于0.9970。标准样品的测定结果与推荐值基本吻合。该方法具有简单、快速、准确、精密度好等优点。
As, Hg, Bi in standard samples of the polymetal ores were determined by atom fluorescence spectrometry, researched by reduce sample weight and necessary means of element separate in this method. The limits of detection are 0.2,0.01 ,1.3 ng/mL for As,Hg,Bi, respectively. The correlation coefficients of regression equation are all more than 0. 9970. The relative standard deviation are 1.88%-4.04% ,2.1%-5.8% ,1.1%-8.9% for As,Hg,Bi, respectively. The results are in agreement with com-mended values. The method is simple,quick,accurate and well precision.
Chemical Analysis And Meterage