江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想具有“与时俱进”的马克思主义理论品质 ,它首次把抓好党的建设与解放和发展生产力 ,繁荣先进文化、实现人民群众的根本利益完整地、有机地联系起来 ,深刻地揭示了新时期党的建设的内在规律和要求 ,是新世纪党的建设的纲领和指导思想。
President JIANG Ze-min's important thought of ' the Three Representings 'first completely and organically connects the construction of the Party with liberating and developing productive forces,flourishing advanced culture and realizing benefits of the masses and profoundly reveals the inherent law of the construction of the Party in the new period.It's the programme and guiding ideology of the Party constraction in the new period.
Tangdu Journal