AVO交汇图分析技术是AVO碳氢检测技术的一种重要分析手段.本文介绍了AVO交汇图分析技术在DF1-1构造、 LT33-1构造和PL19-3构造中的首次应用.利用AVO交汇图分析技术, 可以把LT33-1构造因岩性变化引起的AVO异常与DF1-1构造的含气AVO异常明显区分开; 在PL19-3构造的浅层油气勘探中, 利用该技术识别含气亮点和非含气亮点也取得了较好的效果.
AVO crossplot technique is an important analysis tool of hydrocarbon detection. This paper has illustrated the first application of this technique in DF1?1, LT33?1 and PL19?3 structures. The AVO crossplot analyses can differentiate the LT33?1 anomaly caused by lithological changes from the DF1?1 gas_bearing anomaly. For shallow petroleum exploration on PL19?3 structure, the technique is also able to identify gas bright spot and non_gas spot more reliably.
China Offshore Oil and Gas(Geology)