本文介绍了采用彩色红外航空遥感技术进行水电站水库土地淹没损失及库周移民区土地利用调查与制图的一些技术问题。工作区面积为1.9万平方公里。编制了1:1万《龙滩水电站库区450米高程以下土地利用现状图》和1:5万《龙滩水电站库周地区土地利用类型图》共300余幅,提供相应地区县、乡各地类面积数据7套。为取得高质量成果,工作中对扩充遥感信息源、建立适用的土地利用分类系统及其判读训练样区、更新制图控制底图、引用正射投影技术、用遥感方法处理线状地物等工作环节,均采取了严格的技术措施。从而开拓了水电站工作前期调查的新途径。 本调查成果已被设计部门应用。
This paper deals with some techniques of landuse surveying and Mapping using color-IR air photos for estimation the flooded region and immigration area caused by the construction of power station. The study area is 19 000 square kilometers, About more than 300 sheets of landuse status map and landuse type map had been compiled and 7 sets of varied landtypes area data in corresponding area were provided to users. The expanding of remote sensing resources, a suitble local landuse classification system and selected training areas, a good mapping mathematic base, orthophoto map and linear objects extracted technique etc., have been suitablly created for getting a good results. In earlier stage of surveying of power station, the results had been used and shownagood future.