2 0世纪末期兴起的网络传播 ,使大众传媒的“把关人”权利受到严峻挑战。“把关人”已由传统的单向传播与控制信息向多元角色转换 ,成为集传播与接受、调整与变革为一体的新型网络信息调控者。网络传播“把关人”的角色定位 ,是 2 1世纪新闻传播需要研究的重要课题。
Online communication,which arose in the late 20th century,severely challenge the right of 'censors' in mass communication.The censors' role has changed from the traditional one-way circulator and information controller into the new information manager,whose role covers circulation and receival,adjustment and reform.The definition of his role in online communication is an important project needed in the research of the 21th century communication study.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College