我国的传媒业具有高增长率、高回报率 ,虽受政府限制 ,但企业化、市场化程度不断加深 ,而信息产业的发展又进一步促进了我国新型媒体———网络传媒的成长。一些传媒类企业在不违反有关规定的前提下 ,已通过间接方式进入资本市场 ,传媒业业外资本也纷纷进军传媒业。随着我国加入WTO ,我国传媒业必将会有更大的发展。
The media industry in China is developing rapidly and very efficiently.Despite some restraints from the government, it has been industrializing and marketing with no delay. Moreover, the rapid growth of the information industry will encourage the further development of another new type of the media-online medium in China. So far several Chinese media enterprises have entered the capital market indirectly without breaking any regulation concerned. And other industry also entered the media industry. Because China has entered the WTO, the media industry will develop more quickly.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College