科学主义哲学的基本内核是将自然视为自然物 ,把一切现象“物本———物化———对象化” ,寻求自然界客观规律的认识途径和对自然的征服、开发和利用 ,坚守工具理性、功利主义的价值取向。人文主义哲学的基本内核则是以人性为出发点解释一切现象 ,把一切现象“人本———人化———主体化” ,形成从对客观世界的求索转向对人自身的体悟 ,坚守价值理性、道德主义的价值取向。科学主义与人文主义的整合途径是 :尊重科学 ,承认科学思维的价值 ;反思知识内涵 ,强调科学知识和人文知识的统一 ;理解知识的发展与劳动力的发展和社会的发展是同一的历史过程 ;关照可持续发展的理念 ;建构新的伦理规范。
The basic core of the philosophy of scientism is to regard nature as natural substance,and take the matter as the center,seeking for the approach to knowing the objective rules of the natrue,and to conquer,develop and utilize nature,holding the value of instrumental ration and banthemism.The basic core of the philosophy of humanism is to explain all phenomena at the basis of human nature,and take the human as the center, it forms a transition from the exploration to the objective world to the realization to human beings,holding the value of axilogical ration and moralism.The approach to conforming scientism with humanism is:Respect the scientific spirit and admit the value of scientific thinking,rethink the meaning of knowledge,lay stress on the unity of scientific knowledg and libera knowledge;understand that the development of knowledge and labour force is the same historical process with the development of society;care about the idea of sustained development and construct new ethic criterion.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University